Sunday, April 27, 2008

What Dosen't Kill You Only Makes You...

I’ve heard this phrase before, but didn’t understand its true meaning until this week. This was honestly one of the toughest weeks I have ever faced academically in my college career. Many things happened in my classes which pushed me to the edge but the real topper was when my capstone class met on Thursday to pitch our senior project proposals. We had to come up with a short summary of what the main point of our project would be, a list of objectives, strategies, and evaluation methods. Our capstone professor then asked the other members of the broadcasting faculty to come into our class to give us feedback on our proposals. Essentially my project was to target the student body of the college and get them interested in watching the college television station through radio advertisements, campus advertisements and other strategies. I originally thought I had a pretty strong project because everyone I talked to about it seemed pretty excited about what I was doing. When I pitched my project idea to the faculty however, they were less than excited. I was told that I should not target the students at all because the student body changes every year. I was also told that I shouldn’t focus my energy on making posters, flyers and campus advertisements either. After getting shot down by the firing squad, they suggested that I focus my project on a different audience, that of the Lawrence/Mercer county community. When I take a step back and think about it, they were right in saying this because the community around us is essentially who watches our network and our programming. I think it will be a fun and rewarding project to connect with the community and obtain a stronger viewer ship for WCN using my promotional strengths. Overall, this week really showed me how to take constructive criticism and have a thick skin, because in the end what doesn’t kill you really makes you stronger!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

If the Shoe Fits...

This week as I blog, I would like to turn the spotlight away from capstone for just a moment to talk about another valuable class I am taking this semester, Broadcast Sales/Advertising.  Before taking this sales class, I really had no interest in sales or really knew what it was all about.  As we began the class however, I found it extremely insightful and found myself wanting to make myself a better sales person.  As the semester winds down, one of our last assignments in class is to take everything we have learned about sales/advertising and interview a successful sales person.  I found myself scrambling to find someone that would be interesting for an interview, until I made a trip home to Meadville this weekend.  I started talking to my parents about the assignment and they suggested I talk to their friend, Carole Andreas about her career in sales.  Carole had been over to our home a few times in the past and I had enjoyed her company so I was interested to sit down and talk to her about exactly what she did in the sales and marketing business.  It came as quite a surprise to me that Carole has so many various talents and products including: fine art, consignment projects, advertising design and production.  She has her own shop and art gallery in downtown Meadville, where she meets with clients concerning advertising promotions and also continues her love of creating original fine art pieces.  One of the most interesting promotions campaigns she has worked on was one with music legend, Madonna.  Madonna released a children's book The English Roses recently, and along with it, a wide array of children's clothes and accessories to help promote the book.  Carole Andreas, which was sitting in front of me at the very moment, had helped Madonna design shoes for her line!  This was a very exciting surprise to me, as I have been a fan of Madonna ever since I can remember and have even bought some of her "M" men's fashion line from retailer H&M.  Now I am even more excited to report my findings and talk about my interview with Carole to my broadcast sales/advertising class next week!  This really goes to prove that connections are all around you.  I never fully believed my professors when they said "ask your parents who they know, you would be surprised" until I found myself interviewing a local fine artist who has designed for a worldwide superstar.  You may have to dig a little, but you will be surprised who you have in your social network and whom you may be linked to!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Crunch Time!

With only 3 weeks of classes left in the semester, it’s definitely getting down to crunch time! It seems that just about everything is due at once, and there is not enough time to do it all. It’s amazing to look back at the beginning of the semester 3 months ago and looking at where I am now. 3 months ago I was creating this very blog as an assignment for my senior capstone class. Now it has become much more than just a blog to me, it’s become a way to express myself in a professional manner, while still including my own personal style. 3 months ago, I had no idea of what I wanted to do for an internship or where I would be ending up this summer, but now I have a great opportunity working at WKBN in Youngstown and living on my own in my apartment in town. I have a feeling that this summer will be a chance to show myself that I have what it takes to make it on my own. I will need to be dedicated to my internship and work my hardest, so that I know I can make it out there in the “real world.” To get to the summer however, I have a lot to do! I have my senior project pitch next week during capstone where I present my entire senior project idea to be approved by my capstone professor and the communications department chair. I think that by taking the skills I have learned thus far this semester about selling yourself professionally, I should be able to tackle the pitch and get approval by my professors. I also still have my producing week coming up for our school news program, The County Line. I have learned a great deal about producing by just observing my fellow classmates in the studio all semester. Of course, I will probably need some help and a little kick to get me started, but this should not be a problem either and I am excited about the opportunity to produce my very own show! With all of these objectives weighing down on me and the end up the semester creeping up, I must now get ready for crunch time, and prevail over the pressure, because I know that the professional “real world” will be just the same, if not more intense!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Ace the Competition!

Most of you reading this blog probably already know me pretty well, but for those who do not, I wanted to provide a little insight into my life this week. I’m a pretty busy guy here at Westminster College, and one of my passions and favorite leisurely activities is tennis. It has become more than just a pass-time here at college however; it’s become a full blown time commitment and has fired up my competitive side to the extreme. Every spring when I pick up that tennis racket and lace up my sneaks to walk onto the court I get inspired. Inspired to win, inspired to work to my full potential, and inspired to be the best that I can be.
I have noticed this feeling being spilled over into my studies and professional life as well recently. As noted in my post last week, my internship hunt has been going pretty well and presenting a lot of positive opportunities. I just found out at the beginning of this week however, that I have yet another opportunity coming my way. On Monday, I got a call from the marketing department at Anderson Coach & Travel in nearby Greenville, Pennsylvania to set up an interview. I sent my resume for the job to Anderson a few months ago and initially wanted to do this internship because it will incorporate many skills in public relations work and marketing. Plus the internship is PAID! Yes, that’s right, an actual paid internship! This is exciting because I would not have to get another part time job to help pay for living expenses this summer if I was already getting paid to do an internship. My interview is on Wednesday, and I couldn’t be more excited for it, but at the same time I am feeling torn. I really enjoyed my interview at WKBN in Youngstown, and would love the chance of working in the newsroom getting experience in the broadcasting field. I have to think about my professional goals however and what would be best for me. I mean I haven’t even been guaranteed the internship at Anderson because I still have to interview for it, but eventually if I do get picked for it, I will just have to weigh the positives and negatives for both of the jobs and decide what would be most beneficial for me. Relating back to my tennis references, I believe in the internship and professional world it is just as important to “Ace the competition.” You need to show employers what you are made of, how hard of a worker you can be, and distinguish yourself from the others in your field!