Sunday, May 11, 2008

Wrapping Things Up!

So here I am, at my computer, on the very last Sunday of the school year at Westminster! It's so surreal to think back over this semester and think of everything I have accomplished. It's also a wonder that I have survived it all and came out intact, but everything I have done this semester and all the pressures have made me a stronger person in many ways. I took 19 credit hours this semester including my TV practicum and Capstone. This first semester of capstone has been a major eye opening experience and has taught me a lot. I have finally finished my plans for my senior project and have gotten approval from the department. Also by working with my fellow capstone classmates I have learned a lot from them, and we have been able to help each other through this crazy process. For our capstone final, tomorrow morning, we will be meeting up to compete in an "Amazing Race" type activity held right here in New Wilmington. The reason why we are doing this is because it ties in with the overall theme we've had in capstone this semester, The Amazing Race. When we first started the class we had to identify a partner and fill out a lengthy application. As the semester went on we filmed and edited an application video and then eventually dubbed it over to VHS and stuffed it into envelopes to be sent out to CBS! We also had a similar activity with Titan Traverse where we had to work with partners and in teams to compete against the other teams. This experience helped us to realize that teamwork is a must and also if you want to succeed you must utilize your strengths. I think our final adventure tomorrow with continue this idea and I'm excited to see exactly what we will be doing! Finally I wanted to give out a final shout out to the graduating broadcast seniors. You guys have put so much work into the department in your years and we all really appreciate it! I know that they have helped me a ton and have made me an overall better student in broadcasting. Congrats to the class of 08, and hopefully my class of 09 will be able to represent the department just as well next year, but they are big shoes to fill!

1 comment:

Brad Weaver, BC Instructor said...

Be ready for 48 degrees and wet, muddy conditions as you head out on your race Monday.

Wear rain gear and have back up shoes ready...

also...have fun!