Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Final Countdown

What a week! This has been a week of many deliberations for me. In capstone we spent a good amount of time going around the classroom and discussing the final senior project and everything that goes along with it. Most of my fellow students are choosing a project which directly correlates with what they want to do as a career after graduation. When it came time for me to give an idea of what I wanted to do as my senior project it forced me to really think about what I want to do after graduation. The scary thing is that I don’t know exactly what I want to do. I absolutely love broadcasting, and in today’s world, it’s getting more and more competitive, you must be on the top of your game and be well trained in every aspect. I think Westminster does prepare us for that world after graduation but I also want to throw some aspects of public relations in the mix. This led me to the realization that my senior project should then reflect my love for BC and PR. Mr. Weaver suggested contacting an alum, Liz Farry, who was also a broadcast student at Westminster but now working in public relations. I’ve been reading over her blog and her post-graduation life seems very exciting and promising, which gives me hope. I will be sure to utilize connections like these, my skills in different fields and determination to put together a blueprint for my senior project over the next few months. This should prove to be an exciting and interesting quest!

1 comment:

Brad Weaver, BC Instructor said...

Sounds like you're tapping into some of the items on the "CHECKLIST FOR SUCCESS" from Dr. B.