Thursday, October 2, 2008

Identity Crisis!

This week for capstone we had to finally complete our project binders and it felt so good to have everything set up and ready to go. I’m very excited to present my senior project capstone! My presentation is focused on my project “Identity Crisis” and will be in Mueller theatre in the McKelvey Campus Center December 2nd at 6 pm. The title of my project may catch your attention but it’s probably not quite what you’re thinking! The identity crisis my project is focused on is that of WCN’s image. I have zoned most of my focus on our weekly newsmagazine show The County Line. At my presentation I intend to show all of the work I have put into this project . For my project I have implemented many promotions strategies to help advertise WCN/TCL, ultimately increasing viewership. I have created weekly Titan Radio teaser promos, web promos for WCN’s cable switch, advertised on campus via emails and flyers and teased the show on the coache’s corner. I will present briefly (about 10 mins) about my project and show examples of my promotions work over the past semester. I plan to invite all of my closest friends on campus who have inspired me to be the well-rounded person I am today, my coaches and professors who have pushed me to achieve the best I can while at college and of course my family who have always been in my life to support me. Overall I feel that this presentation will be more than just a showcase of my senior project, but a glimpse into my life and how I have transitioned into adulthood at this wonderful institution. Please come support on December 2nd, I’m very excited!

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