It's time to wrap up capstone, and it has been quite the experience! As I reflect over the past semester, summer and last springs semester; capstone has really changed me for the better. And I would hope that this experience will craft next year's class as well into young professionals in the media market. Soon my fellow capstoners and I will be moving on and handing off the torch over to the class of 2010! I have a lot of faith in next year's class and think they have amazing potential to further themselves and do some great things in the department. When entering capstone next semester, the new class will begin working on their project proposals. The senior project is a major component of the broadcasting capstone class and needs to be well thought out. With this in mind, I hope to offer some advice to the future class with picking their senior projects. Upon entering capstone, you should already have a good idea of what you're strengths are in broadcasting. I think it is a good advantage to take you're strength and apply it directly to a project. This will allow you to enjoy what you do, and also really shine with your product. For my project, I chose to built upon a project I did in a Public Relations research class. I discovered that our college TV station needed more promotions so I took this project under my wing and began crafting ideas and strategies. Once you pick your topic, make sure to BRAIN STORM! Brain storming will get the creative juices flowing in your mind and you can begin to hammer out ideas and strategies for your project. Make sure to write everything down, no idea is a bad idea and will only help you build you're foundation for your project. Like a building, a senior project must have a strong foundation to keep it standing! Once you have brain stormed and have that foundation, talk to your fellow capstone classmates and advisers in the department to get their input. This is important because although you might have some amazing ideas, sometimes you can't think of everything and they might touch upon something you haven't considered. With all of these tips in mind, hopefully hammering out your senior project proposal for capstone will go smoothly and lead you to an amazing opportunity to shine!